1. Fortran 77是固定格式,每行前六个字符不写代码。Fortran 90是自由格式,每行前没有限制。
2. Fortran 77每行以C,c或*开始则为注释行。Fortran 90以!引导注释。
3. Fortran 77每行第6列若不是空格和0,则该行为上一行的续行。Fortran 90以&符号作为续行符,标识在上一行的末尾或者待续行的开始。
4. Fortran 77每行第7-72列为代码区。Fortran 90的前132列为代码区。
5. Fortran 77对应的文件扩展名为.for或.f。Fortran 90对应的文件扩展名为.f90。
6. Fortran 77的变量名或程序名最多为6个字符。Fortran 90的变量名或程序名最多为31个字符。
7. 字符串表示中Fortran 77用''表示,Fortran 90既可以用'',也可以用""。
8. 逻辑运算符表示不一样:
== /= > < >= <= !Fortran 90用法
.EQ. .NE. .GT. .LT. .GE. .LE. !Fortran 77用法
已经有一些开源的程序可以将Fortran 77程序自动转换为Fortran 90,转换程度已相当好。
f2f is a Perl script which does much of the tedious work of converting Fortran 77 source code into Fortran 90/95 form. There seems to be a lot of Fortran hate in the world, and I think this comes from people who have been forced to use Fortran 77 at some time or another. Hopefully, this program will make you a less hateful person.
Author: Michael Metcalf (MichaelMetcalf@compuserve.com)
如今Fortran 90的编译器都能兼容Fortran 77程序,只是可能会出现一些警告。
f2f is a Perl script which does much of the tedious work of converting Fortran 77 source code into Fortran 90/95 form. There seems to be a lot of Fortran hate in the world, and I think this comes from people who have been forced to use Fortran 77 at some time or another. Hopefully, this program will make you a less hateful person.
Author: Michael Metcalf (MichaelMetcalf@compuserve.com)
如今Fortran 90的编译器都能兼容Fortran 77程序,只是可能会出现一些警告。
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